HMM Summary Page: TIGR01445

Functionintein N-terminal splicing region
Trusted Cutoff24.50
Domain Trusted Cutoff24.50
Noise Cutoff8.55
Domain Noise Cutoff8.55
Isology Typedomain
HMM Length83
AuthorHaft DH
Entry DateFeb 14 2002 5:03PM
Last ModifiedFeb 14 2011 3:27PM
CommentThis model is based on interated search results, starting with a curated collection of intein N-terminal splicing regions from InBase, the New England Biolabs Intein Database, as presented on its web site. It is designed to recognize inteins but not the related region of the sonic hedgehog protein.
ReferencesDR URL; DR HAMAP; MF_01509; 2 of 38
Genome PropertyGenProp0010: inteins (HMM)