HMM Summary Page: TIGR03774

Functionrickettsial palindromic element RPE2 domain
Trusted Cutoff36.15
Domain Trusted Cutoff36.15
Noise Cutoff34.50
Domain Noise Cutoff34.50
Isology Typedomain
HMM Length35
AuthorHaft DH
Entry DateJun 16 2009 2:40PM
Last ModifiedMar 2 2011 2:55PM
CommentThis HMM describes protein translations of a second family, RPE2, of Rickettsia palindromic elements (RPE). The elements spread within a genome as selfish genetic elements, inserting into genes additional coding regions that does not disrupt the reading frame. This model finds RPE-encoded regions in several Rickettsial species and, so far, no where else.
Genome PropertyGenProp0476: protein-coding palindromic elements (HMM)