Accession | TIGR03748 |
Name | conj_PilL |
Function | integrating conjugative element protein PilL, PFGI-1 class |
Trusted Cutoff | 64.15 |
Domain Trusted Cutoff | 64.15 |
Noise Cutoff | 48.45 |
Domain Noise Cutoff | 48.45 |
Isology Type | hypoth_equivalog_domain |
HMM Length | 105 |
Mainrole Category | Mobile and extrachromosomal element functions |
Subrole Category | Plasmid functions |
Author | Haft DH |
Entry Date | May 19 2009 11:15AM |
Last Modified | Feb 14 2011 3:27PM |
Comment | This HMM describes the conserved N-terminal region of a variable length protein family associated with laterally transfered regions flanked by markers of conjugative plasmid integration and/or transposition. Most members of the family have the lipoprotein signal peptide motif. A member of the family from a pathogenicity island in Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin strain was designated PilL for nomenclature consistency with a neighboring gene for the pilin structural protein PilS. However, the species distribution of this protein family tracks much better with markers of conjugal transfer than with markers of PilS-like pilin structure. |
References | RN [1]
RM PMID:14580391
RT Salmonella enterica serovar Dublin strains which are Vi antigen-positive use type IVB pili for bacterial self-association and human intestinal cell entry.
RA Morris C, Tam CK, Wallis TS, Jones PW, Hackett J
RL Microb Pathog. 2003 Dec;35(6):279-84. |
Genome Property | GenProp0855: integrating conjugative element, PFGI-1 class (HMM) |