HMM Summary Page: TIGR03478

FunctionDMSO reductase family type II enzyme, iron-sulfur subunit
Trusted Cutoff480.70
Domain Trusted Cutoff480.70
Noise Cutoff319.40
Domain Noise Cutoff319.40
Isology Typesubfamily
HMM Length321
Mainrole CategoryEnergy metabolism
Subrole CategoryAnaerobic
AuthorHaft DH
Entry DateAug 30 2007 8:38AM
Last ModifiedFeb 14 2011 3:27PM
CommentThis model represents the iron-sulfur subunit, typically called the beta subunit, of various proteins that also contain a molybdopterin subunit and a heme b subunit. The group includes two distinct but very closely related periplasmic proteins of anaerobic respiration, selenate reductase and chlorate reductase. Other members of this family include dimethyl sulphide dehydrogenase and ethylbenzene dehydrogenase.
ReferencesRN [1] RM PMID:12067345 RT Molecular analysis of dimethyl sulphide dehydrogenase from Rhodovulum sulfidophilum: its place in the dimethyl sulphoxide reductase family of microbial molybdopterin-containing enzymes. RA McDevitt CA, Hugenholtz P, Hanson GR, McEwan AG RL Mol Microbiol. 2002 Jun;44(6):1575-87.
Genome PropertyGenProp0764: DMSO reductase family type II enzyme (HMM)