HMM Summary Page: TIGR03290

FunctionCoB--CoM heterodisulfide reductase, subunit C
Gene SymbolhdrC
Trusted Cutoff160.00
Domain Trusted Cutoff160.00
Noise Cutoff125.00
Domain Noise Cutoff125.00
Isology Typeequivalog
EC Number1.8.98.1
HMM Length144
AuthorHaft DH
Entry DateJan 23 2007 11:47AM
Last ModifiedMay 9 2011 8:27PM
CommentThe last step in methanogenesis leaves two coenzymes of methanogenesis, CoM and CoB, linked by a disulfide bond. Members of this protein family are the C subunit of the enzyme that reduces the heterodisulfide to CoB-SH and CoM-SH. Similar enzyme complex subunits are found in various other species, but likely act on a different substrate.
Genome PropertyGenProp0722: methanogenesis marker set (HMM)