HMM Summary Page: TIGR03282

Functionputative methanogenesis marker 13 metalloprotein
Trusted Cutoff268.40
Domain Trusted Cutoff268.40
Noise Cutoff263.90
Domain Noise Cutoff263.90
Isology Typehypoth_equivalog
HMM Length352
Mainrole CategoryEnergy metabolism
Subrole CategoryMethanogenesis
AuthorHaft DH
Entry DateJan 22 2007 9:09AM
Last ModifiedFeb 10 2012 11:26AM
CommentMembers of this protein family, to date, are found in a completed prokaryotic genome if and only if the species is one of the archaeal methanogens. The exact function is unknown, but likely is linked to methanogenesis or a process closely connected to it. This metal cluster-binding family is related to nitrogenase structural protein NifD and accessory protein NifE, among others.
ReferencesRN [1] RM PMID:22070167 RT ProPhylo: partial phylogenetic profiling to guide protein family construction and assignment of biological process. RA Basu MK, Selengut JD, Haft DH RL BMC Bioinformatics. 2011 Nov 9;12:434.
Genome PropertyGenProp0722: methanogenesis marker set (HMM)