HMM Summary Page: TIGR02781

FunctionP-type conjugative transfer protein VirB9
Gene SymbolvirB9
Trusted Cutoff217.70
Domain Trusted Cutoff217.70
Noise Cutoff130.25
Domain Noise Cutoff130.25
Isology Typeequivalog
HMM Length248
Mainrole CategoryCellular processes
Subrole CategoryConjugation
AuthorSelengut J
Entry DateJan 10 2006 3:49PM
Last ModifiedFeb 14 2011 3:27PM
CommentThe VirB9 protein is found in the vir locus of Agrobacterium Ti plasmids where it is involved in a type IV secretion system [1]. VirB9 is a homolog of the F-type conjugative transfer system TraK protein (which is believed to be an outer membrane pore-forming secretin, TIGR02756) as well as the Ti system TrbG protein [2].
ReferencesRN [1] RM PMID: 11895979 RT Characterization and transcriptional analysis of gene clusters for a type IV secretion machinery in human granulocytic and monocytic ehrlichiosis agents. RA Ohashi N, Zhi N, Lin Q, Rikihisa Y. RL Infect Immun. 2002 Apr;70(4):2128-38. RN [2] RM PMID: 12855161 RT F factor conjugation is a true type IV secretion system. RA Lawley TD, Klimke WA, Gubbins MJ, Frost LS. RL FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2003 Jul 15;224(1):1-15.
Genome PropertyGenProp0485: F and P-type conjugation systems (type IV secretion), common components (HMM)