HMM Summary Page: TIGR02672

FunctionCRISPR type III-A/MTUBE-associated protein Csm6
Gene Symbolcsm6
Trusted Cutoff248.60
Domain Trusted Cutoff248.60
Noise Cutoff73.05
Domain Noise Cutoff73.05
Isology Typeequivalog
HMM Length362
Mainrole CategoryMobile and extrachromosomal element functions
Subrole CategoryOther
Gene Ontology TermGO:0003674: molecular_function molecular_function
GO:0043571: maintenance of CRISPR repeat elements biological_process
AuthorHaft DH
Entry DateOct 5 2005 10:45AM
Last ModifiedFeb 14 2011 3:27PM
CommentMembers of this family as found in CRISPR-associated (cas) gene regions in Streptococcus thermophilus CNRZ1066, Staphylococcus epidermidis RP62A, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strains CDC1551 and H37Rv), as part of Mtube-type CRISPR/Cas systems. CRISPR is a widespread form of direct repeat found in archaea and bacteria, with distinctive subtypes each of which has a characteristic sporadic distribution.
ReferencesDR URL DR URL RN [1] RT A guild of 45 CRISPR-associated (Cas) protein families and multiple CRISPR/cas subtypes exist in prokaryotic genomes RA Haft DH, Selengut JD, Mongodin EF, Nelsen KE RL PLOS Comput. Biol. 1(6), e60-e69, 2005
Genome PropertyGenProp0021: CRISPR region (HMM)
GenProp0318: CRISPR system, III-A/Mtube subtype (HMM)