Comment | This model describes many but not all examples of the N-terminal region of bacterial proteins that resemble type IV pilins at their N-terminus, with a cleavage site G^FxxxE followed by a hydrophobic stretch. The new N-terminal residue, usually Phe, is methylated. Separate domains of the prepilin peptidase appear responsible for cleavage and methylation. Proteins with this N-terminal region include type IV pilins and other components of pilus biogenesis, competence proteins, and type II secretion proteins. Typically several proteins in a single operon have this N-terminal domain. The N-terminal cleavage and methylation site is described by PROSITE motif PS00409 as [KRHEQSTAG]-G-[FYLIVM]-[ST]-[LT]-[LIVP]-E-[LIVMFWSTAG](14). |