HMM Summary Page: TIGR02387

FunctionDNA-directed RNA polymerase, gamma subunit
Gene SymbolrpoC1
Trusted Cutoff975.90
Domain Trusted Cutoff975.90
Noise Cutoff969.35
Domain Noise Cutoff969.35
Isology Typeequivalog
EC Number2.7.7.6
HMM Length619
AuthorHaft DH
Entry DateDec 1 2004 1:28PM
Last ModifiedFeb 14 2011 3:27PM
CommentThe RNA polymerase gamma subunit, encoded by the rpoC1 gene, is found in cyanobacteria and corresponds to the N-terminal region the beta' subunit, encoded by rpoC, in other bacteria. The equivalent subunit in plastids and chloroplasts is designated beta', while the product of the rpoC2 gene is designated beta''.
ReferencesRM 2495268 RT Cyanobacterial RNA polymerase genes rpoC1 and rpoC2 correspond to rpoC of Escherichia coli. RA Xie WQ, Jager K, Potts M. RL J Bacteriol. 1989 Apr;171(4):1967-73. DR HAMAP; MF_01323; 41 of 156
Genome PropertyGenProp0262: RNA polymerase, bacterial (HMM)
GenProp0799: bacterial core gene set, exactly 1 per genome (HMM)