Accession | TIGR01875 |
Name | cas_MJ0381 |
Function | CRISPR-associated autoregulator DevR family |
Trusted Cutoff | 67.30 |
Domain Trusted Cutoff | 67.30 |
Noise Cutoff | 43.10 |
Domain Noise Cutoff | 43.10 |
Isology Type | subfamily |
HMM Length | 240 |
Mainrole Category | Regulatory functions |
Subrole Category | DNA interactions |
Gene Ontology Term | GO:0003674: molecular_function molecular_function |
| GO:0043571: maintenance of CRISPR repeat elements biological_process |
Author | Haft DH |
Entry Date | Apr 10 2003 2:55PM |
Last Modified | Feb 14 2011 3:27PM |
Comment | CRISPR is a term for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palidromic Repeats. A number of protein families appear only in association with these repeats and are designated Cas (CRISPR associated) proteins. This HMM represents one such family, represented by MJ0381 of Methanococcus jannaschii. This family includes the DevR protein of Myxococcus xanthus, a protein whose expression appears to regulated through a number of means, including both location and autorepression; DevR mutants are incapable of fruiting body development. |
References | RM 7693658
RT devRS, an autoregulated and essential genetic locus for fruiting body development in Myxococcus xanthus.
RA Thony-Meyer L, Kaiser D.
RL J Bacteriol 1993 Nov;175(22):7450-62 |
Genome Property | GenProp0922: CRISPR system, Myxan subtype (HMM-CLUST) |