HMM Summary Page: TIGR01799

Functionchorismate mutase
Gene SymboltyrA
Trusted Cutoff95.90
Domain Trusted Cutoff95.90
Noise Cutoff55.90
Domain Noise Cutoff55.90
Isology Typeequivalog_domain
EC Number5.4.99.5
HMM Length83
Mainrole CategoryAmino acid biosynthesis
Subrole CategoryAromatic amino acid family
Gene Ontology TermGO:0004106: chorismate mutase activity molecular_function
GO:0009095: aromatic amino acid family biosynthetic process, prephenate pathway biological_process
AuthorSelengut J
Entry DateJan 22 2003 11:23AM
Last ModifiedFeb 14 2011 3:27PM
CommentThis model represents the chorismate mutase domain of the gamma proteobacterial "T-protein" which consists of an N-terminal chorismate mutase domain and a C-terminal prephenate dehydrogenase domain.
Genome PropertyGenProp0039: phenylalanine biosynthesis from chorismate (HMM)
GenProp0045: tyrosine biosynthesis from chorismate (HMM)