HMM Summary Page: TIGR01149

Functiontetrahydromethanopterin S-methyltransferase, subunit G
Gene SymbolmtrG
Trusted Cutoff50.65
Domain Trusted Cutoff50.65
Noise Cutoff40.35
Domain Noise Cutoff40.35
Isology Typeequivalog
EC Number2.1.1.86
HMM Length70
Mainrole CategoryEnergy metabolism
Subrole CategoryOther
Gene Ontology TermGO:0019386: methanogenesis, from carbon dioxide biological_process
GO:0030269: tetrahydromethanopterin S-methyltransferase activity molecular_function
AuthorUjwal ML, Paulsen IT
Entry DateFeb 4 2001 5:46PM
Last ModifiedFeb 14 2011 3:27PM
CommentThis model describes N5-methyltetrahydromethanopterin: coenzyme M methyltransferase subunit G in methanogenic archaea. This methyltranfersae is membrane-associated enzyme complex that uses methyl-transfer reaction to drive sodium-ion pump. Archaea have evolved energy-yielding pathways marked by one-carbon biochemistry featuring novel cofactors and enzymes. This transferase is involved in the transfer of 'methyl' group from N5-methyltetrahydromethanopterin to coenzyme M. In an accompanying reaction, methane is produced by two-electron reduction of the methyl moiety in methyl-coenzyme M by another enzyme methyl-coenzyme M reductase.
References DR HAMAP; MF_01500; 7 of 7
Genome PropertyGenProp0288: tetrahydromethanopterin S-methyltransferase complex (HMM)
GenProp0722: methanogenesis marker set (HMM)