HMM Summary Page: TIGR00996
Accession | TIGR00996 |
Name | Mtu_fam_mce |
Function | virulence factor Mce family protein |
Trusted Cutoff | 140.50 |
Domain Trusted Cutoff | 140.50 |
Noise Cutoff | 82.00 |
Domain Noise Cutoff | 82.00 |
Isology Type | paralog |
HMM Length | 291 |
Mainrole Category | Cellular processes |
Subrole Category | Pathogenesis |
Author | Haft DH |
Entry Date | Oct 17 2000 2:27PM |
Last Modified | Feb 14 2011 3:27PM |
Comment | Members of this paralogous family are found as six tandem homologous proteins in the same orientation per cassette, in four separate cassettes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The six members of each cassette represent six subfamilies. One subfamily includes the protein mce (mycobacterial cell entry), a virulence protein required for invasion of non-phagocytic cells. |
References | DR Interpro; IPR003399 DR PFAM; PF02470 |