HMM Summary Page: TIGR00485

Functiontranslation elongation factor Tu
Gene Symboltuf
Trusted Cutoff522.40
Domain Trusted Cutoff522.40
Noise Cutoff135.30
Domain Noise Cutoff135.30
Isology Typeequivalog
HMM Length394
Mainrole CategoryProtein synthesis
Subrole CategoryTranslation factors
Gene Ontology TermGO:0003746: translation elongation factor activity molecular_function
GO:0006414: translational elongation biological_process
AuthorHaft DH
Entry DateApr 20 1999 2:03PM
Last ModifiedFeb 14 2011 3:27PM
CommentThis HMM models orthologs of translation elongation factor EF-Tu in bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts, one of several GTP-binding translation factors found by the more general pfam HMM GTP_EFTU. The eukaryotic conterpart, eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 (eEF-1 alpha), is excluded from this model. EF-Tu is one of the most abundant proteins in bacteria, as well as one of the most highly conserved, and in a number of species the gene is duplicated with identical function. When bound to GTP, EF-Tu can form a complex with any (correctly) aminoacylated tRNA except those for initiation and for selenocysteine, in which case EF-Tu is replaced by other factors. Transfer RNA is carried to the ribosome in these complexes for protein translation.
ReferencesSE TIGR GA hmmls AL clustalw DR HAMAP; MF_00118; 685 of 762
Genome PropertyGenProp0741: translation elongation, bacterial (HMM)
GenProp0800: bacterial core gene set, 1 or more per genome (HMM)