HMM Summary Page: TIGR00389

Functionglycine--tRNA ligase
Gene SymbolglyS
Trusted Cutoff243.30
Domain Trusted Cutoff243.30
Noise Cutoff190.90
Domain Noise Cutoff190.90
Isology Typeequivalog
EC Number6.1.1.14
HMM Length565
Mainrole CategoryProtein synthesis
Subrole CategorytRNA aminoacylation
Gene Ontology TermGO:0004820: glycine-tRNA ligase activity molecular_function
GO:0006426: glycyl-tRNA aminoacylation biological_process
GO:0009345: glycine-tRNA ligase complex cellular_component
AuthorHaft DH
Entry DateApr 20 1999 2:07PM
Last ModifiedFeb 14 2011 3:27PM
CommentThis HMM describes a glycyl-tRNA synthetase distinct from the two alpha and two beta chains of the tetrameric E. coli glycyl-tRNA synthetase. This enzyme is a homodimeric class II tRNA synthetase and is recognized by pfam HMM tRNA-synt_2b, which recognizes His, Ser, Pro, and this set of glycyl-tRNA synthetases.
ReferencesSE TIGR GA hmmls AL clustalw, seaview, belvu DR PROSITE; PDOC00363; Aminoacyl-transfer RNA synthetases class-II signatures DR PFAM; PF00587; tRNA-synt_2b; DR HAMAP; MF_00253; 80 of 81
Genome PropertyGenProp0258: tRNA aminoacylation (HMM)
GenProp0799: bacterial core gene set, exactly 1 per genome (HMM)